are 475 x 242 x 340 mm enough?
Here’s the BIG solution!
BIG is now available, a 3D resin printer with a price to volume ratio that was unthinkable until recently. It’s easy to use, economical, robust and reliable. The resins available allow you to create resistant objects that are well suited to be treated.
The printer is equipped with a washing tank and its special programmable CURE oven that allows you to finish the curing process. From today you can tackle the production of 3D printed parts with unrivaled quality.

Impossible Geometries?
Here’s the BIG solution!
With BIG, the large-format 3D resin printer, you can express all your imagination with shapes that are not only geometric, but also artistic and architectural.
Any object can be made with simplicity and thanks to the ease of post-production it’s possible to smoothen, color or polish it to obtain the desired special effects required.
Look at the example in the image, a structure impossible to achieve without 3D printing and an exceptional printing solution BIG + CURE!